Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Catching Up

We've been busy since my last post, so here are a few pictures to fill in the last week. Aiden made a return trip to Athens Saturday and did a little tailgating with a few of my oldest friends. He enjoyed meeting them and getting to see and hear all the crazy Georgia fans. He also got to play with his cousin Alexander again which is always a thrill. Aiden spent the night with Granma and Granpa so Mommy and Daddy could go out to dinner with Aunt Jessie and Uncle Matt and Chris and Matt Rice-- always a treat. Boss always enjoys a weekend in Athens because he gets to stay at Pawtropolis, the best doggy-daycare in the free world. The pictures of Aiden and Alexander on game day feature Jessie and Matt's newly renovated living room. It was the first time we had seen it and it looks fabulous!

Aiden and Boss in a rare moment of rest.

Aiden and Alexander watching the game. Go Dawgs!

Alexander hugging Aiden good-bye.

Alexander sharing toys with Aiden

Aiden test-driving his new car seat.

If you look closely you can see his top teeth.

Aiden's ready for his second day of school.

Aiden riding his newest toy. He wasn't too sure about getting on it at first.

Door stops are so much fun.

Aiden loves to climb the stairs.

Playing peek-a-boo behind a chair.

Aiden and Boss keeping an eye on the neighborhood.

Doesn't Jessie and Matt's house look great!

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