Monday, February 23, 2009

Aiden's First Haircut

Aiden has been in dire need of a haircut and since Granma and Granpa were here today we decided to take advantage and try to get it done after dinner. To the left you can see the scraggly, fly-away pre-cut hair. He did pretty good as long as he could head-butt Granpa while Granma cut and Mama documented for posterity. It looks a lot better and Daddy is happy that his mullet is gone. The last 2 pictures are post-hair cut. I was trying to get the back, but he kept turning around to look at the camera.

These are a few pictures of Aiden and Granpa snuggling on the couch this afternoon (with the remote control of course.)

These pictures are of Aiden doing his new favorite thing-- standing on the kitchen table. He has learned that if he pulls himself into a chair at the table he can then easily climb onto the table. I always see really cute pictures of kids smelling flowers and stuff so I thought I'd take advantage of Aiden being on the table and my tulips being on the table and get some of those cute pictures. Yeah, right. Captain Destructo is Andy's pet name for Aiden and Captain Destructo was exactly what I got (notice the drooping tulip he smacked). Oh well, it was a good try. And they are still can even see the sun setting in the background.

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