Tuesday, March 24, 2009

UGA vs Miss St

Over the weekend we went to Athens for the first 2 games of the baseball series with Mississippi State. We were able to eat lunch at Ike and Jane-- fabulous, meet Aunt Jessie's new bunny (which Aiden immediately pointed at and said, "kitty"), and spend time with family. Aiden especially enjoyed pointing out all the birds that flew over Foley Field. At Friday night's game he wanted to sit with Aunt Jessie most of the game. Saturday afternoon however he was ready to run around. He had his 15 month check-up Friday morning so he wasn't feeling too good after the shots, but I am happy to report that the child who has spent the first 15 months of his life off the growth chart is now curving back towards the chart. His pediatrician thinks he will be on the chart by the time he is 2. He weighed a little over 30 pounds and is 34 inches tall. Only 26 inches to go to be as tall as Mommy.

This is outside the Tate Center on campus. We took him for a stroll around campus in his new fancy stroller.

Checking out the bunny at Aunt Jessie and Uncle Matt's house.

I'm not sure if they've decided on a name yet...

Getting ready for the first pitch with Granma Friday night.

Relaxing with Granma and Granpa.

Snuggling up to Aunt Jessie.

Sitting in his very own seat.

Cheering for a good hit.

Checking out the field with Daddy before Saturday's game.

Watching Miss St warm up.

Allowing Mommy to stop him for a minute.

Barking at the Miss St players.

The rest of these are just some from the past week or so. I didn't realize it had been so long since I last posted.

These are from St. Patrick's Day. He is a pretty Irish looking baby....

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