Monday, July 20, 2009

Odds and Ends From the Last Couple of Weeks

Aiden has been going to camp for the last 2 weeks on Tuesday and Thursday at First Baptist Newnan. His teachers are a mother and daughter that go to the same church we go to in LaGrange (and are in our Sunday School class) so that is very neat. Their daughter/granddaughter is a few weeks older than Aiden and always hollers out "Aiden" when he gets to camp or to the nursery at church. He isn't saying Annabelle yet, but he has Spongebob down! Unfortunately having just turned 19 months, separation anxiety has hit its peek and it is very difficult to peel an almost 33 pound, 3 foot tall kid off of you when he REALLY doesn't want you to leave. I know he loves playing with the other kids though so I suck it up and run for the door. They have been doing a different color each week. Tomorrow starts blue week so he'll have plenty to choose from to wear. Next week is orange week though and it will be hard to find any orange to wear in our house.

New firetruck shirt.

New under the sea shirt to go with his Bailey Boys boxer shorts.

Aiden fed himself an entire thing of spaghettios with his spoon. He is getting better about not turning it upside down. As you can see we still have a little fine tuning to do before we can eat something like that clothed....

He does like to help clean up his mess though.

He loves to make his little dog sing. He is starting to get the hand movements to "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", but right now all he does is eyes and ears.

This is his new "gameday" shirt that Granma and Aunt Jessie found on sale.
He wore it for red week of course.

Taking a break from block building with Dada to say cheese.

Aiden and I went to Goodwill Friday and found this football field/ball pit.
(Don't worry it lives in the bonus room!)

He had to help blow it up of course.
He had his first McDonalds cheeseburger that day too and loved it.

Granma found him this cute little shirt. The pocket says, "I'm the Boss."

Aiden found his birthday hat tonight and decided it would be fun to wear it after he got out of the tub. He didn't take it off until it was time to go to bed.

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