Sunday, April 12, 2009

G-Day Game

Saturday, April 11th was a monumental day. It was Aiden's first trip into Sanford Stadium. We were blessed with nice weather for the annual spring scrimmage game between the red and black. As soon as Aiden, Andy, Granpa and I walked into the stadium Aiden started screaming and clapping. We walked in the end zone where the Olympic torch and the tombs of the Ugas are so Aiden got to pat the statue of Uga. (For those of you unfamiliar with Georgia football, UGA is the only Division I or whatever they call it now school that buries its mascots within the confines of the stadium. Hey, I try to make the blog as educational as possible.) We walked around the track so Aiden could see the players running on to the field and touch the hedges and check out Hairy Dawg. Aiden isn't much for sitting still so he wanted to be climbing the stairs and running up and down the aisles. That can be a little dangerous with so much concrete and metal around, but all major catastrophes were averted and it was a great day. Aiden loved the band and clapped and danced along with them. Another highlight of the day was playing with Alexander. They ran, laughed and played all day. Aiden even made it on TV his first trip to a ball game. ESPN aired the game and you can see Aiden in a replay shot of the interception in the 3rd quarter if you look really close at the corner of the end zone....

Aiden and Granpa at the condo.

Aiden petting the statue of Uga.

Andy, Aiden and Granpa watching the teams warm up.

Checking out the crowd.

Alexander and Matt Rice watching the game.

Aiden liked the club level. Too bad we'll never be able to afford it....

Does that look like a squirmy child or what? So much for the family photo.

He did snuggle up for a minute-- must have been hungry.

Sitting on the step was his favorite spot. He's sitting with Granma and Aunt Pat. Aunt Jessie, Chris and Uncle Bob were also sitting down there in the sunshine.

Aiden and Alexander watching the game together.

Checking out Hairy Dawg at halftime.

Aiden and Daddy

Inspecting the hallowed hedges.

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