Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Long suffering bulldog

You know how you know something, but it doesn't really become a reality to you until much later? Well, I've always known that babies are mimics, but it didn't really become a reality for me until a week or 2 ago when Aiden started referring to himself as "Baby." I didn't realize how much I call him "baby, " but now especially when he is upset he tells you all about baby. It is pretty funny actually. When I got home from work yesterday Mom wanted to know which one of us (Andy or me) call the dog by patting our leg. Well, I call all the animals that way. Apparently Aiden had been patting his leg whenever Mom or Dad called Boss.

Aiden's other new thing is cutting the grass with his toy lawnmower, which he is really good at doing. Well, today when he was ready to come inside we opened the door to the basement and Boss was still laying in the yard so Aiden turned around patted his leg, raised his voice to a higher pitch (to simulate my "animal voice"-- you know you have a cat or dog voice) and said "come on Boss." It wasn't really intelligible, but I knew that was what he was saying because I've said it a million times. It was really funny. I didn't say anything to Boss. At first Boss just kind of laid there, but then Aiden said it again and Boss got up and came trotting into the house. They are quite a pair. I'm not sure how Boss feels about the wrestling though. I think in the picture above he was trying to hide. When you scroll down you'll understand why.

Here are some other pictures from the last week:
Reading in the big chair.

Getting ready for church Sunday. This was his alternative Easter outfit and he knows he looks good.

These are from this morning. You can see Boss's expression as the wrestling continues-- "maybe if I just lay still he'll leave me alone sooner." Sorry Boss, but Aiden loves you!

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