Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10 months old

Aiden is 10 months old today! Could someone please explain to me where the time goes? He is walking really well barefooted. This weekend we got him his first pair of "real" shoes for the purpose of walking. I thought we were going to have to go to the extra-wide, but the 6 1/2 wide fit pretty good. He is having a little trouble getting used to walking in them-- he kind of looks like he is walking through cement. Today we took our new shoes to the park in Hogansville to play. He loves being outside and had a great time playing in the dirt. He only kicked his shoes off about 3 times, so I thought that was pretty good. The last time he was weighed at the doctor's office was almost 2 weeks ago and he was 28 lbs, 12 oz so he is still growing at a pretty fast pace.

Aiden and I spent the night with my parents Friday before the UGA-TN game since Andy was staying to work on Judgment Journey. We met my grandmother for dinner and bought his shoes and thanks to his granma, Nanny, and the Carter's outlet he now has enough clothes to make it through fall and winter! I have to say that they do have some great deals at the Carter's store. Here are some pictures from today and the weekend.

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