Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cute Aiden Videos

This is a video of Aiden playing patty-cake. He does an abbreviated version which is basically, "patty-cake, patty-cake, throw it in the pan." But he's very good at it. This was the first time he'd done it "on cue." I sound kind of surprised because usually he'll just be sitting there and throw his hands apart. Tonight he's been "rolling it 'round," but he hasn't put the roll it round with the rest of it yet.

The next one is a video of Aiden laughing at Andy and me. Andy is shooting the ball into the seat of the Exersaucer and I'm hitting it out from underneath so it pops up in the air. I know, we're hilarious. I'm sure most of you were completely unaware of just how funny Andy and I are.

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