Sunday, October 12, 2008

My God is Mighty to Save

I know ya'll are used to this being all Aiden all the time, but I have to give ya'll a Judgment Journey update just to brag on God a little bit today. After 2 weekends, God, through His loving mercy and grace, has seen fit to save 1810 people through Judgment Journey! There are still 3 weekends left to go and I can't imagine what the final tally will be. Last night alone over 800 people came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! Can you even imagine how many people that is?? Andy and I were talking to our pastor on the way to Sunday School this morning and he said that it is roughly half the people going through the journey that are lost. God has really answered a lot of prayers to bring all these lost people to Faith Baptist Church so that they can hear the Gospel. How great is our God!

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