Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun

Halloween has a double meaning for the Zimmerman family. It is also Memaw's birthday so we have twice the reason to get together and celebrate! Andy, Aiden and I went to Memaw and Papaw's tonight for the festivities. Andy had to leave early for the last weekend of Judgment Journey, but he was able to spend a little time with his mom and dad. Aiden went to bed late last night so he got up late this morning which led to him taking his morning nap late which meant that his afternoon nap should've been during party time. Do you see where I'm going with this? We had to high-tail it out of there before it got really ugly. No one wants to see a 29 pound 10 month old pitch a fit. Trust me! Aiden had had a rough couple of days anyway. Thursday morning he was walking in our bedroom, fell and busted his mouth on the side rail of the bed and then at the party he tripped over some toys and busted his head on the coffee table. (He's not a big fan of going around things when he can just go over them, but it rarely works out well.) I am happy to report that he is back on schedule because he went to bed on time tonight. I guess playing with his cousins and the nap on the ride home helped.

The whole crowd wasn't at Memaw and Papaw's but there were still plenty of folks for Aiden to play with: Aunt Linda and Uncle Mike, Aunt Lisa and Uncle Joey, Joey's mom: Karen Mulkey and Peggy, Aunt Leslie and Uncle Jerry, Aunt Chrissy and Uncle David; cousins Donovan, Drew, Holly, and Meghan; cousins-in-law Will and Jason; 2nd cousins Tela, Logan, and Gracie.

On a side rant, our ride home was extended by the 10 minutes it took us to get from the entrance to our neighborhood to our house. Now, before you think we live in a gigantic neighborhood remember that we live in Grantville, GA, and we live on the main street (which is one of 2 streets in the neighborhood) called Calico Loop, and I'd say we are about 7 houses from the entrance. They must have caravaned people in from Alabama to go trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. It was ridiculous. I've never seen so many cars. The problem I finally figured out was that there were cars parked on both sides of the street so only one car could fit through at a time, so the side going out was stuck by the people coming in and then some (I'd like to say idiot) not bright person was trying to turn left onto --wait for it-- Calico Loop (yes, if he had just kept going it would have-- looped around) but couldn't because it was blocked by the people trying to exit the neighborhood. Remind me to stay at Memaw's a little longer next year!

Now for the cute pictures (I know that is the real reason you are here, not to listen to me ramble):

Aiden as the Incredible Hulk (not quite ready for the head-gear)

Now we're in full costume. He does a really cute "Hulk Face" where he scrunches up his nose, but of course I was never quick enough to catch it on film.

The Birthday Girl and the Hulk

Waiting for some golfers to come by.

Papaw and the Hulk

Superman (Drew) and the Hulk

Superman, the Hulk, and Tela (before she was in character)
Drew is 8 months and Tela is 4.

Drew and Aunt Chrissy

Holly and Gracie. Gracie is 4 months.

Meghan's kids, Tela (a devil) and Logan (a ninja). Logan will be 3 in December and Tela will be five in March and baby number 3 will arrive in January. Aiden and Logan will ensure Newnan High School has a great offensive line someday.

Trying to get the whole group was a little difficult but I think this is pretty good. There were so many cameras flashing you'd think these were celebrity's babies.

Gracie (4 months, a flower), Drew (8 months, Superman), Aiden (10 months, the Hulk)

Gracie and Drew

Holly and Gracie (in full flower mode)

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