Friday, November 14, 2008

11 months old

It is hard to believe that Aiden will be one finger old next month, but it is fitting since pointing is one of his favorite things to do. When he's sitting still (which isn't very often) he even sits there with his little pointer finger ready just in case there is something worth pointing out. He has grown into quite the little man. He has just about mastered walking although he still ends up on his tushy now and then. He is also quite the little thinker. He likes to watch everything and takes it all in. I think he gets that from his dad. He says a few things now when he wants to. Dog, uh-oh, paw-pa, oo-oo (for Julio the cat who I call ju-ju), da-da and dad-ee (depending on how badly he needs his father), ma-ma is usually reserved for extreme emergencies are the main ones. Another skill recently mastered is pulling on his mother's pant leg and grunting which means, "up, please." He is working on learning how to pet the cats without leaving them with a bald spot-- its pretty much hit or miss. Thanks to his father he thinks hitting himself (and others) in the head with an empty drink bottle is hysterical. It is pretty funny to watch him walk through the house hitting himself in the head and laughing though. The biggest problem is that he tries it with other objects as well. Let me tell you it's not quite as funny with the remote or the cordless phone because this kid is incredible strong and he isn't just tapping you with that remote, he's whacking you! Well, that's just a taste of what we've been up to, but hopefully it helps you get to know Aiden a little better. Here are some pictures we took today.

Look out, he's armed....

He still has 6 teeth, 2 on bottom, 4 on top.

Still armed, excuse the dog claw marks.
He doesn't like it when Aiden is out front without him.

I'm not sure what this face was for.

There's the Hulk face. He was playing with leaves in between rain showers.

And there's the pointer finger. "Leaf."
(Notice the dog in the window.)

In the corner surrounded by his toys.

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