Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Aiden's First Illness

Aiden managed to make it almost 11 months without anything more than a runny nose or issues related to teething. However, he developed a cough late Friday evening and then started running a fever Sunday night. Monday morning Dr. Whipple confirmed that Aiden was sick, "but not too sick." He has the beginnings of an ear infection in his right ear and bronchialitis (bronchitis for babies). He is on a couple of medications and should be on the road to recovery soon. He doesn't really act like he feels too bad, except that one of the medications has given him diarrhea and that burned his butt. The only way you can really tell something is wrong (other than the cough and fever of course) is that he wants to be held more. It is really sweet though because now when he hugs you he pats you on the back. I guess its because I have been patting his back to loosen up the congestion. Whatever the reason, its really cute. Here are some pictures of him and Granpa and Granma.

Playing patty-cake, "roll it round"

"throw it in the pan"

Reading with Granpa.
He brings you the book then turns around and sits his little self in your lap.

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